1. EXW (Ex Works):

Under EXW, the seller makes the goods available at their own premises or another named place. The buyer is responsible for all transportation costs, risks, and clearance procedures from the seller's location to the final destination. EXW term must be accompanied by associated place of stuffing.


  1. FCA (Free Carrier):

With FCA, the seller delivers the goods to a carrier or another party nominated by the buyer at a specified place. The buyer is responsible for the main carriage and associated costs, as well as the risks from the point of delivery. FCA term must be accompanied by associated place of delivery.


  1. FAS (Free Alongside Ship):

FAS requires the seller to deliver the goods alongside the vessel at the port of shipment. The buyer is responsible for loading the goods onto the vessel, as well as all subsequent transportation, costs, and risks. FAS term must be accompanied by associated port of loading.


  1. FOB (Free on Board):

FOB means the seller is responsible for delivering the goods on board the vessel at the port of shipment. The buyer bears the costs, risks, and responsibility from that point onward, including the main carriage and any necessary export clearance. FOB term must be accompanied by associated port of loading.


  1. CFR (Cost and Freight):

Under CFR, the seller is responsible for delivering the goods on board the vessel and arranging the main carriage to the destination port. The seller covers the costs and freight charges, while the buyer assumes the risks from the point of delivery. CFR term must be accompanied by associated port of discharge.


  1. CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight):

Similar to CFR, CIF includes the cost of insurance in addition to the cost and freight charges. The seller is responsible for arranging and paying for insurance coverage during the main carriage to the destination port. CIF term must be accompanied by associated port of discharge.



  1. CPT (Carriage Paid To):

With CPT, the seller delivers the goods to a carrier or another party nominated by them at a specified place. The seller is responsible for the main carriage costs but not for any subsequent transportation, risks, or clearance procedures. CPT term must be accompanied by associated place of destination.



  1. CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid To):

CIP is similar to CPT but includes insurance coverage during the main carriage to the destination. The seller is responsible for arranging and paying for insurance, as well as the main carriage costs. CIP term must be accompanied by associated place of destination.


  1. DAT (Delivered at Terminal):

Under DAT, the seller delivers the goods unloaded at a named terminal at the destination. The seller bears the risks and costs of delivering the goods to the terminal, excluding any import clearance or duties. DAT term must be accompanied by associated terminal at the destination.


  1. DAP (Delivered at Place):

DAP requires the seller to deliver the goods unloaded at a named place of destination, but not cleared for import. The seller covers the risks and costs of transportation to the named place. DAP term must be accompanied by associated place of destination.



  1. DDP (Delivered Duty Paid):

With DDP, the seller is responsible for delivering the goods to the buyer at the named place of destination, cleared for import and paying any applicable duties and taxes. DDP term must be accompanied by associated place of destination.



It's important to note that Incoterms also define the division of responsibilities between the buyer and seller regarding packaging, documentation, and export/import clearance. Choosing the appropriate Incoterm depends on factors such as the nature of the goods, transportation mode, and the level of risk and control desired by both parties involved in the export transaction.