For most companies, what is missing the most to make impacting changes and start on a new, better track, is not the will to, but time, resources and knowledge.

This is where Smart Logistics Consulting can help you.

Smart Logistics Consulting is a privately owned company specializing in helping companies improving their Supply Chain and/or Logistics.

Whether it is a matter of redistributing resources, hiring or training people, upgrading IT system, improving cost efficiency, negotiating sharper rates or finding better and smarter ways to transport goods.

Smart Logistics Consulting can offer you tailor made solutions, that will fit YOUR needs.

Why pick Smart Logistics Consulting?

After trying out various professions, I entered supply chain world close to 20 years ago.

7 years of experience in various warehouses with incoming and outgoing goods, inventory management, automation, ERP improvement, and site openings.

3 years in multimodal transportation, optimizing last mile trucking for containers transported on barges from and to Lyon (France).

Last 8 years I specialized in exporting commodities from EMEA to all over the world.

This broad knowledge in Logistics allows me to have a wide range of ideas and use these various experiences to think “outside the box” when it comes to all aspects of supply chain management and offer you the best possible solutions.

These solutions will be made with you and for you

What Drives me

At Smart Logistics Consulting, it’s about people and improving work environment by upgrading available tools. Tools should serve people, not the other way around.

Why I do what I do

I love assisting companies on their path to improvement.

What I do

I work in collaboration with companies and individuals to identify areas of improvement, assist in solving problems, provide knowledge and solutions, all in order to achieve success

How I do this

I share and apply my knowledge, experience and tools.



I come together with my client’s team to evaluate current practice and listen to needs and wishes in order to deliver sustainable and cost effective solutions. This will improve processes throughout the whole supply chain and lead to an improved quality of service for the end clients.